Link Storage

Sync access to everything that supports SFTP and SSH
Can I use an RSA key to log in?
Yes. Copy and paste the entire key contents (including the "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY"
and "END RSA PRIVATE KEY" markers) into the key file content field during the linking process.
Can I choose what directory to link to?
Yes. The server's administrator may have chroot
set up correctly so that a user automatically starts in the
right location when they connect (e.g. your home directory). However, you may want to connect to a server
which is not configured properly or is not under your control. In such cases, the link setup could fail since odrive may
try to link a folder which you do not have access to (e.g. the server's root folder). Likewise,
you might want to change the default starting location simply out of convenience.
You can do this by entering in an optional path value (e.g. /home/myuser or /var/www) into the path field during the linking process.
You can do this by entering in an optional path value (e.g. /home/myuser or /var/www) into the path field during the linking process.